The glucose range in the body is dependent on a number of factors. The factors, which influence the glucose range are - when have you eaten, what have you eaten, how much have you eaten and how does your exercise schedule look like, depending upon whether, you have one or no. The normal glucose range is also dependent on how was the glucose range tested. We will see what is glucose, before we see the normal glucose range.
What is Glucose?
Glucose is the primary source of energy for human and also animal cells. It is actually a type of sugar, which transverses through the blood stream. The body gets its supply of glucose when carbohydrates are consumed. The levels of glucose in the body are regulated by insulin and glucagon. Insulin is a hormone,which is produced by the pancreas to keep the glucose levels under check. Glucagon is also a hormone, which is also secreted by the pancreas. It works in opposition to insulin and makes sure, that there is sufficient amount of glucose present in the body. You may want to read about blood glucose monitors.
Normal Glucose Range
We will now see the normal range for glucose at different times of the day.
Fasting Normal Blood Glucose Range
This is the range of glucose after a person has fasted without food or liquid although, water is permissible for eight hours straight prior to testing. The normal range for glucose after fasting should be between 70 to 110 milligrams/deciliter. If it is 126 mg/dl or more than 126 for two consecutive glucose tests, a diagnosis for diabetes may be carried out on the person. The readings were lowered to 126 mg/dl from 140 mg/dl in 1997, by the American Diabetes Association. Read about fasting blood glucose test, here.
Random Normal Glucose Level Range
The blood sample for random blood test is taken at any time. The readings should be in the range of low to mid 100’s. If during random sampling, the glucose range is seen around 200 mg/dl or more, diagnosis for diabetes will then have to be carried out. It can be diabetes, if there are symptoms like fatigue, excessive urination and thirst and/or unplanned weight loss.
Normal Glucose Range Before Eating
The normal glucose range before eating is 70 to 130 mg/dl. According to the doctors, it is better to keep the blood glucose level in this range to avoid nerve, kidney or blood vessel damage. If glucose accumulates in the blood, it can cause damage to the vital functions of the body.
Normal Glucose Range After Eating
After a meal, the blood glucose range is always higher, as the body has just got a fresh supply of carbohydrates, which are being converted into glucose for future use. It takes approximately anywhere between one to three hours for the glucose levels to come down to normal after a meal. The normal glucose range after a meal should not be more than 180 mg/dl. Read more on glucose after eating.
Normal Glucose Range
For a person without diabetes, the normal glucose levels should be in the range of 70 to 120 mg/dl. According to American Diabetes Association, the normal glucose range for diabetics should always be less than 154 mg/dl. The normal glucose range for children before breakfast should be in the range 70 to 99 mg/dl. Two to four hours after a meal, the normal glucose range should be between 70 to 139 mg/dl. For more information on glucose levels in children, click here.
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